Should you choose an electric or gasoline golf cart in 2023?

Should you choose an electric or gasoline golf cart in 2023?

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Golf carts are a convenient, practical, and fun mode of transportation that can be used not only on the golf course, but also in other settings such as resorts, communities, and parks. Golf carts come in two main types of power: electric and gasoline. So, should you choose an electric or gasoline golf cart in 2023? This article will compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of golf carts in three ways to help you make an informed choice.


Advantages and disadvantages of electric vs. gasoline golf carts

In addition to the global sales comparison, we need to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of electric golf carts versus gasoline golf carts from more perspectives. Below we will compare the following aspects:

Power and Speed

Generally speaking, gasoline golf carts have better power and speed than electric golf carts. This is because gasoline golf carts generally have internal combustion engines with horsepower between 10 and 12, while electric golf carts generally have electric motors with horsepower between 3 and 5.12 Gasoline golf carts also have a more consistent power output that does not decrease as the battery power decreases.

Electric golf carts are not as powerful or fast as gasoline golf carts, but they are not without their advantages. Electric golf carts accelerate better and can reach top speed from a standstill quickly.2 Electric golf carts also have higher top speeds, typically up to 25 miles per hour, while gasoline golf carts typically have top speeds between 15 and 20 miles per hour.

Therefore, if you need more horsepower and a more consistent power output, a gasoline golf cart may be a better choice. If you need faster acceleration and a higher top speed, an electric golf cart may be the better choice.

Range and charging time

Range and charging time is another important indicator of golf cart performance. Gasoline golf carts are clearly superior to electric golf carts in this regard. According to NF Golf Carts2, gasoline golf carts typically have a range of 100 to 180 miles, while electric golf carts typically have a range of 15 to 25 miles. This means that gasoline golf carts can travel a long distance on a single fill-up, while electric golf carts require frequent recharging.

Charging time is also a factor that affects the experience. Electric golf carts typically take between six and eight hours to charge, whereas gasoline golf carts can be refueled in just a few minutes.2 This means that if you need to use your golf cart for a long period of time or frequently, you may not find an electric golf cart convenient enough, whereas a gasoline golf cart can be refueled whenever you want.

Therefore, if you need longer range and shorter charging times, a gasoline golf cart may be a better choice. If you only need to use your golf cart for short or occasional trips, an electric golf cart may be the better choice.

Maintenance Costs and Longevity

Maintenance costs and longevity are an important indicator of the affordability of a golf cart. In this regard, electric golf carts are superior to gasoline golf carts. This is because electric golf carts are easier to maintain because they are simpler and do not have complex engines, transmissions, exhaust systems, and other components.12 Electric golf carts only require regular inspection and cleaning of the batteries, and the addition of distilled water to keep the batteries level.

Gasoline golf carts, on the other hand, require more maintenance, such as regular changes of oil, spark plugs, oil filters, and other components.12 Gasoline golf carts also consume gasoline and other lubricants, which add to the cost of operation.

Electric golf carts also have a longer lifespan, typically lasting 10 years or more, while gasoline golf carts typically last between 5 and 7 years. The main wear and tear on an electric golf cart is the battery, which typically lasts between 5 and 7 years and costs between $800 and $2,000 to replace. The main wear and tear component of a gasoline golf cart is the engine, which typically lasts between 3 and 5 years and typically costs between $3,000 and $5,000 to replace.

Therefore, if you want to save on maintenance costs and extend the life of your golf cart, an electric golf cart may be a better choice. If you don't mind spending more time and money to maintain your golf cart, gasoline golf carts may also be considered.

Environmental Impact and Noise

Environmental impact and noise are an important indicator of a golf cart's social responsibility. In this regard, electric golf carts are superior to gasoline golf carts. This is because electric golf carts do not emit any harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, etc., and have no negative impact on air quality or the greenhouse effect. Electric golf carts also do not produce any noise pollution and they run so low that they are almost inaudible.

Gasoline golf carts, on the other hand, emit a certain amount of harmful gases, and although modern gasoline golf carts have adopted measures to reduce emissions and improve combustion efficiency, they still cannot compare to electric golf carts. Gasoline golf carts also produce a certain amount of noise pollution, they run louder and may disturb people and animals around them.

Therefore, if you want to protect the environment and reduce noise, an electric golf cart may be a better choice. If you are less concerned about the environment and noise, gasoline golf carts can also be considered.

Initial price and residual value

Initial price and residual value are an important indicator of the return on investment of a golf cart. In this regard, electric and gasoline golf carts each have their advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the initial price of a newly purchased electric and gasoline golf cart is about the same, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. However, if you are looking to purchase a used golf cart, you may find that electric golf carts are much cheaper than gasoline golf carts. This is because electric golf carts have a lower residual value, mainly due to the age of the battery and the cost of replacement.

Gasoline golf carts, on the other hand, have a higher residual value, mainly because they have more power and range, and the cost of replacing the engine is lower. Therefore, if you are looking to purchase a used golf cart, you may find that gasoline golf carts are more cost effective than electric golf carts.

Therefore, if you want to save on the initial purchase cost, an electric golf cart may be the better choice. If you want to maintain a high residual value, a gasoline golf cart may be the better choice.



In 2023, both electric golf carts and gasoline golf carts have their own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no absolute good or bad. You should choose the right type of golf cart for you based on your needs, budget, preferences, and other factors. No matter which type you choose, we recommend you to choose Drive-up as your golf cart parts and accessories supplier, they will provide you with the best quality, affordable and guaranteed products and services.